This one is optimized to test out new CIDs all in one click. =READ= DONT HATE! IM JUSTING SHOWING THIS TOOL! Tool made by: Elite Legendary What he says: This is my new Generator coded in C# instead of Java. #Supported machines Windows, Linux & Mac #Usage Download any version of python but for python 2+ use the python2 script and for python 3+ use the python3 script Python Python Following his previous update, today PlayStation developer shared a video demonstrating his PS3 Console ID Generator that utilizes an active.
2015 PS3 Console ID Generator v4 2017 PS3 Console ID Generator Download ? BY SaraivaMODS. Ps3 generator download Elite Legendary What he says. Make a dll that will work with python and allow you to connect with & TMapi's from the.Net Framework.Example 8(random)000(random)1(random++) #TO DO DISCLAIMER: This is only for educational purposes. Every generated CID will be saved to a text file in the folder holding the program. This program will generate a 32 digit and letter combination of 11 specific starting numbers, a number 1, 2 specific zero's, a number 8, one random number or letter, 3 zero's, one random number or letter, a number 1 and the rest are random until it reaches 32 characters long. LuckCid #Description LukCid is console ID generator for PS3 compatible with Windows,Linux & Mac.