Global state and snapshot recording algorithms: Introduction –System model and definitions –Snapshot algorithms for FIFO channelsĭistributed mutual exclusion algorithms: Introduction – Preliminaries – Lamport‘s algorithm – Ricart-Agrawala algorithm – Maekawa‘s algorithm – Suzuki–Kasami‘s broadcast algorithm. Message ordering and group communication: Message ordering paradigms –Asynchronous execution with synchronous communication –Synchronous program order on an asynchronous system –Group communication – Causal order (CO) - Total order.
Logical Time: A framework for a system of logical clocks –Scalar time –Vector time – Physical clock synchronization: NTP. A model of distributed computations: A distributed program –A model of distributed executions –Models of communication networks –Global state – Cuts –Past and future cones of an event –Models of process communications. Introduction: Definition –Relation to computer system components –Motivation –Relation to parallel systems – Message-passing systems versus shared memory systems –Primitives for distributed communication –Synchronous versus asynchronous executions –Design issues and challenges.